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- keep a steady beat

- sing two-pitch (sol mi) melodies

- identify sol and mi on the music staff 

- distinguish between and demonstrate: loud/soft, fast/slow, high/low

- explore how music is used to tell the story in Peter and the Wolf 

- identify and describe the jobs of a conductor, performer, and composer

- identify classroom instruments, and demonstrate correct playing technique

1st grade

- read, perform, and compose rhythms in 2/4 and 4/4 time with quarter notes, paired eighth notes, and quarter rests 

- sing three-pitch (sol mi la) melodies

- identify sol, mi, and la on the music staff 

- distinguish between and demonstrate steady beat vs. no beat

- distinguish between and demonstrate: loud/soft, fast/slow, high/low

- explore how the composer uses music to describe the animals in Carnival of the Animals

- identify classroom instruments, and demonstrate correct playing technique

2nd grade

- read, perform, and compose rhythms in 2/4 and 4/4 time with quarter notes, paired eighth notes, quarter rests, half notes, whole notes, half rests, whole rests, and dotted half notes

- identify and describe orchestral instruments and sort them into families 

- use music terms to describe expressive qualities of music: dynamics and tempo

- identify by sight if a melody is getting higher, getting lower, or staying the same 

- collaborate with peers to create choreography and accompaniment to familiar songs 

- identify the form of a piece of music

- learn about jazz music and scat singing

- explore music and instruments from China

3rd grade

- identify notes on the treble staff by letter name

- read, perform, and compose rhythms in 2/4 and 4/4 time with quarter notes, paired eighth notes, quarter rests, half note, whole notes, half rests, whole rests, dotted half notes, sixteenth notes, single eighth notes, and eighth rests

- read, perform, and compose rhythms in 6/8 time with quarter notes, eighth notes, and dotted quarter notes

- identify and describe orchestral instruments and sort them into families

- identify by sight and sound if a melody is getting higher, getting lower, or staying the same

- identify the meter and time signature of a piece of music

- improvise a melody on the pentatonic scale

- use classroom instruments to perform chords to accompany a song

- explore music and instruments from West Africa

4th grade

- perform treble staff melodies on the recorder

- read and sing three-pitch (do re mi) melodies

- identify symbols within a piece of music and explain their function: time signature, key signature, sharp, tie, etc.

- explore different time periods in music history: Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Contemporary

- distinguish between different instrumental ensembles: orchestra vs. symphonic band

- explore music and instruments from Mexico

5th grade

- perform treble staff melodies on the recorder

- read and sing three-pitch (do re mi) melodies and songs

- use classroom instruments to perform chords to accompany songs and melodies

- read and perform syncopated rhythm patterns

- compose a piece of music for the recorder

- learn about the science of sound: sound waves, resonance, cymatics

- explore various musical genres: opera, Broadway musical, jazz, folk, rap, country

- explore music and instruments from India

Learning Goals: Service
Learning Goals: OpeningHours
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